Bias in News Articles
Bias in News Articles: Purpose: To criticize Yale University by reporting a lawsuit that is being challenged in court. Devices: - Connotative Diction: " avoid negative press" has connotations that Yale University is attempting to suppress an issue in order to uphold its status as an Ivy League school. Though this phrase in the title is very clear and negative, it is the major problem that is defined through the source., thus making it a noteworthy addition for the title of the article. - Use of Pathos : " she was involuntarily held for treatment and eventually removed from campus after seeking counseling for depression..." This quote makes the viewer feel sympathy for the women in the article. She writer uses a strong statement "... removed from campus after seeking counseling for depression..." This makes the reader angry at the institution that so unthoughtfully sent the student away. Use of Ethos: The ethics of public image are...
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